I realize the day is not over yet, but I am proud to say that I avoided all of the treats at work today! While it was a very nice gesture from my co-workers to make all sorts of goodies for us today, I said NO THANKS and stuck to my healthy foods! I know it's only one day of will power but every journey begins with one step! Usually I am the first to (gladly) indulge in all the yumminess. Everyone always says "It's ok to indulge once in awhile" and I totally agree, but when once in awhile becomes ALL THE TIME... Houston we have a problem. That is what made me start this blog to begin with!
I am heading to CF in a few minutes, so I will post this when I get home to record my WOD results. Hopefully I will be hungry enough to eat when I get home. After those tough workouts I almost feel too sick to eat, but I know how crucial it is to refuel. It's one thing to KNOW what to do, and another to actually DO IT! Again, another reason I am in the challenge. I think it may be one of the best things I have chosen to do (aside from joining CF of course)! :o)
Aaaaaand I'm home... I'm quick like that...
Today's WOD was tough, but great as usual. We did Rowing Nancy, which is 5 rounds of 500 m row and 15 OHS (Overhead squats), for time. I completed it in 17:50!! :o) We also worked on reaching our one rep max for OHS at the beginning of class and I made it 50lbs, but I think I could have gone higher. Actually I KNOW I could have. I can't wait until our next chance to try it so I can kick some more butt! (Yes, CF is a sickness/addiction....) lol!
Feeling really good today! :o) Momentum is UP!!!!!!
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