Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Thou shalt not compare yourself to others

One of the hardest parts of being on a weight loss/improve yourself (or whatever you want to call it) journey... and even for those whom aren't... is NOT comparing yourself to those around you.  Everyday I see other woman whom somehow manage to get that flat stomach (even after having kids... bitches)... or whom can work out better or harder than me.  It's very frustrating because I know that this is not the right way to think.  It's fine to admire a quality in someone else, but comparing yourself to them is stupid and doesn't change anything.  We are all genetically different so there's really no point.  I suffer back trouble and come from a family where obesity or being slightly over-weight at least, runs high.  I may never have the six pack ab thing going for me... but damn it I'm going to TRY! 

Honestly, the best part of working out and losing weight is how strong I feel.  That is why I loved hearing the term, "strong is the new skinny."  I don't want all of my focus to be on getting rail thin (not that my body would ever allow that).  I want to focus on being the strongest, healthiest person that I can be.  So far, so good.  :o)


  1. I think it is just human nature to think that way. Its hard not to focus on what other people doing and not get frustrated. You can OHS more than me but I can dead lift more than you. You have a back injury your working around, and I have a shoulder injury. Its all relative!!!! And your right, the focus should be on getting strong and healthy! Your doing great!!!

  2. I agree with you Donna! I forgot to mention the other great part of working out is all the new friends I have made! :o) It's nice to have someone whom understands my need for the CF challenge and to stay/get strong despite any disabilities that might be hindering us!
